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Damian Burgess
Sep 27, 20191 min read
Facebook hiding likes
Facebook is set to trial hiding likes from posts, the company has said, following on from tests conducted by subsidiary Instagram earlier...

Damian Burgess
Dec 4, 20182 min read
The panic over the response time
If you run your own Facebook business page or not you have probably seen the response time listed next to a business online "business...

Damian Burgess
Oct 3, 20181 min read
The story of standing out on Insta
Standing out from everyone else on Instagram is pretty tough, nearly impossible from a small business perspective, unless you have big...

Damian Burgess
Sep 17, 20181 min read
Supporting Bullies Out
We are really pleased to announce we have started working and supporting Bullies Out charity, the national charity helps and supports...

Damian Burgess
Sep 1, 20181 min read
Don't be a lazy business on social
Quick Social Media Tip - It may seem like a great idea and save you some time but automatic cross posting from social media channels to...

Damian Burgess
Aug 24, 20181 min read
New Creator Studio for Facebook
If you're like me and manage over two dozen pages for businesses and brands then you know the importance of keeping everything in one...

Damian Burgess
Aug 8, 20181 min read
More changes to Facebook pages
We mentioned in our last blog about changes to Facebook pages and their reviews and recommendations, they have also changes how they rank...

Damian Burgess
Apr 22, 20182 min read
Are more followers and fans the answer?
Your a new business, you have a brand name and great new logo, you're thinking of having a new website, you've got the team uniform ready...

Damian Burgess
Mar 23, 20181 min read
Epic Fail by Facebook
So you've probably seen the news or read the newspaper reports on Facebook and it misusing YOUR data... But has it and will it change how...

Damian Burgess
Mar 18, 20181 min read
Squash Wales go LIVE
Over the weekend our client Squash Wales held it's annual National Championships, attracting the best squash players from around Wales to...
Damian Burgess
Jan 14, 20181 min read
What now for your Facebook page?
We have been flooded with questions regarding the new change to Facebook and what it means for Facebook pages, the businesses that run...

Damian Burgess
Jan 13, 20182 min read
Want to know what the HUGE Facebook changes mean to you in a nutshell?
Want to know what the HUGE Facebook changes mean to you in a nutshell> Here’s some of our translation on Mark Zuckerberg’s points:...

Damian Burgess
Nov 3, 20171 min read
Our social media talk at Design Swansea
We had the pleasure this week talking at the Design Swansea event hosted in Tech Hub Swansea, talking to over 60 students, creatives and...

Damian Burgess
Sep 25, 20172 min read
New Canvas ads for Facebook
Facebook changes all the time, believe me it's a good thing and it is improving the way you can advertise your small business to the...
Damian Burgess
Sep 22, 20172 min read
What about your competition?
It's Friday morning, and before I head off to a meeting I take a look at my social media analytics, I try and do this detailed look every...

Damian Burgess
Aug 25, 20171 min read
Cover yourself in 360
Facebook has been all over 360 images and video for some time now, offering a perfect platform to upload and share immersive 360 content...

Damian Burgess
Aug 16, 20172 min read
Some Summer Social Media Updates
Nothing much changes more in marketing than social media, mainly the updates and opportunities they offer as they look to improve their...

Damian Burgess
Jul 1, 20172 min read
A Winning Evening at the Aber First Awards
The Aber First Awards presentation was held on Friday night at the Old College Aberystwyth, where 10 awards were handed out, along with a...

Damian Burgess
Jun 22, 20171 min read
Top 10 Reasons for Using Social Media
GlobalWebIndex’s latest social media usage report shows that more than 40% of people use social media platforms to keep in touch with...

Damian Burgess
Jun 15, 20172 min read
A week of social media changes
Marketing changes all the time, we discuss this with our clients in Cardiff and Aberystwyth all the time; nothing changes much quicker...
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