Why is the place called Aber-ystwyth (mouth of the river Ystwyth) when it’s on the mouth of the Rheidol? The town used to be called Llanbadarn Gaerog (Fortified Llanbadarn) but sometime in the middle ages it got mistaken for the much earlier (& even at this time, long since demolished) castle built on the other side of Pendinas, which was at the mouth of the river Ystwyth.
1. Not every business has a website in Aberystwyth yet but we’re working on it with some help from our magazine friends The Ego.
2. Transferring current Aberystwyth websites into mobile friendly versions seems to be very popular – this indicates that those businesses that did have websites created a few years ago are now starting to see that they are becoming outdated and need a fresh look.
3. Aberystwyth businesses want to reach out to other areas of the UK, including holiday makers, national contracts and people looking to re-locate to the area.
4. Bilingual – A lot of business in Aberystwyth is done in Welsh, a lot of the residents speak welsh, which is handy as we do too!
5. There’s competition moving into Aberystwyth’s business community – whether that be new superstores or chain hotels, local businesses need to up their game to stay competitive and being online 24/7 will definitely help with this.
If you need help updating your current website or to create a new one, get in touch today email info@nutsaboutmarketing.com
Some more Aberystwyth facts you might not know:
Pier points northwest not west
No, you can't see Ireland from Aber No, not even on a clear day!
Curvature of the earth and all that (Those 'islands' on the horizon are the tops of the hills of North Wales)
Yes, you can see Snowdon from Aber - you need to be on the prom near the pier or in the castle grounds or better still on top of Consti' and it's almost exactly North. Oh yes, and it needs to be a clear day.