So you’ve started 2017 with a plan, a business plan, a plan to make your business the best it can be in 2017! Part of that plan will be social media right? If it isn’t then quickly jot it down and take a look at some tips to help you get started in social media with Red Squirrel Marketing.

Watch and learn.
First thing to do is to learn the ropes, you can do this by having some social media training or you can take a look at our social media channels like twitter, facebook, linkedin or instagram and learn from what we do. Your industry may be different but the strategy will be very similar, after all we’re experts so you won’t go wrong learning from the best.
How you measure up.
If your starting a new facebook page or twitter profile the first thing you’ll want is page likes and followers but don’t set any goals for these, they are vanity numbers and mean pretty much nothing in the scheme of things. Having more likes or followers than competitors won’t win you the contract so look at engagement as the number one goal for all your pages.
Remember that social media is about just that, being social! Interact with your fan base and your audience will slowly grow and flourish.
Do the talking but do the listening
Social isn’t sell sell sell and look at what I can offer you, sit back and listen too. Use social media for customer care, message customers and sort any issues or questions they may have in realtime.
Have fun, be fun
With all the social media platforms available you’ll know which ones should work for you and the ones that may not. Give them all a go at some point but start with the big three of facebook, twitter and linkedin, try the various posting options, have a play with paid advertising and be creative.
We hope these tips can help somewhat in your social media planning for the new year, if you need any more advice or need to talk to us about our social media management offers then please get in touch.