We manage a number of business social media accounts, twitter, instagram and of course Facebook, these channels are key to a business marketing to as many customers as possible. So getting the best for their buck is essential, when it comes to Facebook it isn't just schedule a post and hope for the best.
What are the most engaging posts on Facebook?

Questions, images and video are top of the pops for engagement; Facebook LIVE is the super star of it all though. Try it!
Best days for most pages we manage are Sundays and Mondays
Short posts we have found have worked better, though we were surprised when we posted extra long posts on some pages that these gained better insights
Here are some quick fire tips to look at for your Facebook page.
Create sharable content with video or images
Include calls to action in most posts
Boost some posts and use Facebook ads
Facebook LIVE is a must
Tried a giveaway or competition, these work well
We love talking to businesses about their Facebook pages, and we are always happy to offer advice and guidance to any business that needs a helping hand.