I love new apps, but love them even more when they are amde in Wales and set in Wales!! Coming to the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru this week? You need the app to help you make the most of your visit. Think Pokemon Go but in Wales and in Welsh if you want!

This free bilingual 'AR y Maes' app uses augmented reality to offer a new and innovative way to explore Cardiff Bay during #Steddfod2018
The app - AR y Maes - is the fruit of the partnership between BBC Cymru Wales, S4C and the National Eisteddfod and is part of a pilot project which uses cutting edge technology in the field of Augmented Reality. The app offers an unique experience to those who download it onto their smartphone or tablet when they visit the National Eisteddfod in Cardiff Bay.

The bilingual app will allow users to see Cardiff Bay and the Eisteddfod from a new perspective by downloading trails containing location-specific virtual content that will trigger as visitors enter certain locations all over Cardiff Bay.