If you're like me and manage over two dozen pages for businesses and brands then you know the importance of keeping everything in one easy place to see insights and notifications. For Instagram and Twitter accounts I use Buffer but Facebook I have always used the business manager tool.

Now Facebook is giving us the Creator Studio, perfect for social media managers of multiple pages, it keeps all your valuable content in one place to see and measure.
The tool allows you to see all your pages on one place, see all of the insights across all pages, compare pages to each other as well as displaying your messages for each page.
There's also a pretty cool sound collection available for you to download tracks to use on your videos when uploading to Facebook, as well as tracks there are also sound FX including sounds from NASA and laser sound effects if you need those in your video.
Search Creator Studio in your Facebook search bar to find it for yourself and have a quick look, even if you just manage one page it should be useful to see all your analytics laid out neatly for you.