Standing out from everyone else on Instagram is pretty tough, nearly impossible from a small business perspective, unless you have big budgets for advertising and you're using Instagram influencers; you're going to struggle!

But, don't give up before you start, get on there and set up your profile. Make it on brand, create it as a business account as this allows you to see insights and have call to actions on your profile.
Now think of a theme you want to run throughout your profile, pick a filter that you will use most of the time and then take some decent photos of your products, your staff or maybe your office.
Now here comes the part most businesses miss, use stories, when using Insta stories you will see so much more traffic to your profile, stories also allow you to go off brand with some images as they only last 24 hours so be as out there or wacky as you like. The other benefit to where stories work on driving more eyeballs to your profile is that you will appear top of Instagram on everyones feed, sometimes even top and first; pretty cool.
Take stories to another level with your own branded stickers too, yes you can make your own stickers to use in your stories and your fans stories, giving you extra brand awareness. Want to know more about making those stickers? That's in the next blog ;)