I have been lucky enough to work with various businesses and events over the last 3 years, helping them reach a bigger and new audience with traditional and digital marketing. Working on small and large events attracting thousands of customers it is great to learn from every event.

Recently we have worked with a number of sports teams in Cardiff, including the Welsh Wizards Premier League Squash team; selling out 3 of the last 4 home fixtures and achieving the biggest average home crowd of the season has been fun but it also posed some hiccups along the way.
The main issue was the capacity of the venue, when you have a ceiling to the number of people who can attend an event it poses the issue of selling out too fast... as much as this is great for the team and business it can lead to frustrations from fans who didn't get a ticket early enough.

As well as marketing the event pre game day, it is vital to market the event on the day, during the game and of course after the event. Telling people how good an event was is vital and is needed straight after the event finishes. If there are future events then you need to plug those future events and how people can purchase tickets, maybe offer deals for early bird tickets.